zac hawkins marketing
internet marketing

GUarnteed faster downline builder techniques and what the I5 and PBC is all about


OK for those of YOU that feel this is some sort of a JOKE or scam or

whatever negative thoughts YOU have ! LET me say to YOU goodbye from any internet home business opportunity ! EVERYONE of YOU who joined YOU made money the minute you signed up YOU got Paid .25 cents !

IF you give up the frigging TV 2 hrs a day or other time wasting activities like playing games or just hanging out and chatting; guess what will happen when YOU use that Time to get referralls or one large ORG or Business ?

YOU will have what i have in 3 short months a FULL downline all 7 levels and TWO large ORG's one has 6000 members the other has 3000 and maybe 1 million or more the whole city of PHILA.

AND i have nmade MORE money with this company than one i was with two years !

MY adsense account i started in April of 09 only has made $50

NOW one important thing YOU all must do GET YOUR referrall links cloaked both the joini5 link and links !

Because a large % of people DO NOT like to be under someone else !

they can go to directlly sign up at or

i did it with invite5 yeaterday was able to enter e mail and create password I do know they are changing things BUT whooaaaaaaa 1000's of people can join unreferred !

Powerbar club has it that you need refrrall ID or name of person to join but when i hit submit button to go where it says it shows hsted by PBC systems i dont know if anyone can join unreferred in PBC or not SO let's eliminate THE problem and GUARANTEE you 100% signups to those YOU contact !

GO to enter your PBC URL and create a new name like this ONLY thing is they show your page but then a full screen pop over somes up so tell people just skip this ad when they see that !

This service is best for our refer links becuse the way our URL's are set up with numbers 1st every place you go to promote that URL with will not allow it because it is NOT a webpage or website or blog !

YOUR PBC URL or invite5 URL is never shown in the address bar just the short cloaked url !

I think that CJB.NET will disable your cloaked link if YOU never go back and login or register so make sure YOU register or at least go back n login to update your account or whatever they ask YOU to do !

NOW some marketing tactics SO YOU can get more referrals faster !

1st off focus more on large ORG's go to

briwse the A to Z list USE the E mail templates they gave US at PBC mebers area WATCH the DAMN VIDEOS on how to close big accounts !

REWRITE those pique interest E mails but keep them short those people are way to busy to read through a long message YOUR biggest largest post should be the $$$ they can generate sohighlight make it large as possbile without looking like a billboard font !

and the words under it absolutley no cost to you or members

and SEND that
E mail more than once !

ALSO they have the NEW E mails from the 500K club to send follow up e mails to the big companies USE them !

Rember YOUR the person who got them in it's your JOB to tell that comapny that they need to get there people signed up ASAP

so write an E mail message using the info at PBC in the training center or whaerever it is that shows what YOU must do !

NO they havent made an E mail message to send out to large ORG's or businesses that tells them what they need to do so IF any one here is good at writing and can keep it short like can ya help out send it to PBC support !

OK lets move on !

YOU need to figure out YOUR WHY? before YOU will acheive success in any thing online or real world bussiness venture !

WHY do YOU YOU want this ?
WHY do YOU want to make money at home ?
WHY am I NOT able to live ?

Also WHAT do YOU want ?

DO want just money ?

NO good not strong enough reason !

write down 3 things that YOU want and post them in here !

I'm not giving EX amaples BUT i sure as chit know know my why and What i really want besides money !

really one word F R E E D O M !

HEY think about what has happened not only in the USA but globally !

How many are broke and out of work right now ?

THEY are being suckered by scams and ponzi schemes because OF FEAR !

YOU want to see a CRIME that happend that i was involved in ?

Search Google for the words BUZZBOT SCAM RIPOFF

a total theft internet fraud was commited and HE still is doing again to 100's more !

2 years of time lost and $3000 CASH !

THANK YOU LORD above the day of OCT 19th that i found PBC !

MY prayers were answred and boy am i promoting every day everywhere i can !

I'm not stopping until i hit my goal already hit short term goal !

MYLONG term by end of this year is to make $500,000 a year then i have created wealth ! soon as get these two large ORG's signed up i'm there as was told by pat on webinar how much would i earn from an org that has 10,000 members ?

MY end would be $45,000 per month PLUS when tose people join to make money for themseleves and refer a few people it will go to the planet JUPITER ! LOL

IN short YOUR ship aint coming in untill YOU send that ship out to bring that cargo back to port to unload !

I know that as a fact because my bro in law was a dock worker the ships came in with cargo to be unloaded !

when there was no ships coming in he had no work !

de de de de de da dee de THATS ALL FOLKS

IF you want to join under me YOUR welcome too just rember I teach YOU duplication this is what creates succes YOU teach YOUR people the same things and it's good poison !

shoot me an E mail

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Nov 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

And just like the[url=] jerseys wholesale [/url], conferences are doling out suspensions for dangerous hits to the head.

May 07, 2010
WHOA YOU people just Don't GET it DO YOU ?
by: billyzeke

OK yes the training ads are not making YOU lots of money however even when the 10 cent ads go into effect YOU only make 5 cents per ad viewed !

YOU still earn smae from YOUR downline .003 1 3rd of acent as YOU do now !

IT's not about making money any more it's all about helping others stop the abuse of YOUNG children world wide as being made sex slaves and murdered !

This cost YOU nothing remember ?

Everyone is under complete Anoniminity !

YOU get 1 org that will earn say $50,000 a month YOU earn a whopping $10,000 a month from just that ORG !

Imagine if they have 5000 members total and just 2 % of those 5000 decide tyo refer people and make thier own money !

thats 100 more people added to your second level

and YOU didnt lift a finger to get them !

if they all refer just 5 people Bam YOU get 500 more in level 3 !

O by the way if YOU really think YOUR going to make big money wth adsense YOUR chances are almost Nill !

#1 rule YOU just broke is posting YOUR website URL in a forum and asking others to click ads !

BYIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you will see that draeded E mail from google ACCOUNT DISABLED for LIFE!

YOUR traffic must be raw traffic from people finding YOU in search engines !

and YOUR click through rate beter be no higher than 10% which means only 1 person will clcik on an ad out of 10 visitors !


IF YOU want to get refrralls and learn how to motivate em call me 1-215-780-0091 after 10 AM EST
to JOIN under ME
GO here

Mar 14, 2010
Not so sure anymore...
by: Walter / Belgium

Hey Bob and other readers, here is the letter that iwrote to my upline regarding the upcoming changes and actual situation.It has changed my vision I can tell you.

Hello ,

Your answer is as extended as always, well written ...I am jealous ;-)
Now, just between you and me ( I mean it) (removed).... told me in confidence that the thinks that Archery Australia (40 000) did not get his tag because they are to small as a group !! And that Pat avoids the issue and doesn't want to clarify it with him ! Please be honest with me : do you know ONE member who is making money on orgs. ?? I mean, let's face it there are 600 who subscribed : where and with whom ? Do you know that I am loosing my downline because of all these delays and false promises !
The ''masses'' don't get it anymore ! I repeatedly told you and before that to Rex and Ed ... we got ONE ad 0,003 to view !!!!!! if one indivdual could get 10-15 ads at 0,3 ct it WOULD be motivating to click on them but now ??? I am seeing my hard work go down the drain rapidly ! First I thought wow I got myself a super member ( the one in Australia) who works his .ss and he will make me/you/him money but now I am not so sure ANYMORE.If I get it right , now we should go out with this beautiful new story and strategy to sign up more people and orgs ... Where are the advertisers ? Where are the ads ? Where is the new (more efficient)landings page Where is quote : '' On Monday we will be uploading out NEW "Simple 8" program designed to educate and inspire you and your downline. Talk about Duplication! This program is designed to make it crystal clear, the steps to take to succeed! '' (from News and updates ) Talking about false promises ! You can reach NO ONE at PBC I5 ! If you fill in a feedback ticket on your back office NOBODY gives a sh.. !
If you send an email : you get no answer etc It is one way traffic ! Oh yes they put up this video about the payment with examples of groups clickng etc BUT and I told you twice now in this same email = I have 80 000 people below me and ain't seeing a cent !
I am tagged for live so in a couple of weeks you and ed and i and of course (removed).. will get rich whilst sleeping ! Am I right or an I right !?
Let's hope for the best and I truly hope that your dream won;t explode as far as this program goes.
Time to get to work on my new sites and make some real money in stead of turning around in circles !
Please do visit my new babies and CLICK on all GOOGLE ADS !!! You will make me some money !! Thanks a lot in advance ! you would do me a favor and subscribe the weekly alert you could leave a comment ! click on google ads plse ( cosmetic industry and beauty products pay a lot to get their ads viewed !)

Talk soon and keep me/you posted !
Warm regards

Mar 13, 2010
ADDING to this what will happen now from the webinar
by: Bill Fermano

OK yes Walter unfortunatley those of YOU in forgein countries are not getting the ads right now !

BUT still Rember that YOU can get the USA ctizens to make money for YOU !

Concentrate on the large companies and NON profits !

NOW lets claer the Air here PBC does not pay US !

They only help us with the best suite of marketing tools i ever saw in my life !

INVITE5 or Joini5 is from the boloto group that is paying us !

Bob Dnetelli is the CEO of boloto group and they have 25 patents backing thier programs !

SO this company started out to help others and thats what we are doing now !

That PBC landing page we used will be gone in 2 weeks !

WE now have the strongest promo ever to get signups there is no excuse !

BOB took a lot of money to get the sattelite tracking system GLOBALLY of Domestic Mising Childrens Alert or E - lert system !

SO now we use the (your Tag) to get people in !

THEN they decide after seeing the video whether or not they want to make money !

YOUR signups will quadruple now becuse they are getting just the browser button that pops up an laert of any mising child reoprt within 100 miles of where you are online !

YES any where YOU are in this world or in USA that ip address is used !

EVEN though it says the Amber Alert system IT is NOT A A ! A A is only when an abduction happens and that system is slow !

THIS one is waht amber alert is hooked up to BUT it's when any mising child report comes up with a photo and full deatails of report !

SO now YOU can get your local police stations to join !

OR YOUR sherrif ! ANY law enforcemnt agency can now help deter these kidnappings !

OK again if any one wants to join under me call me 215-780-0091 AFTER 10 AM EST !

E mail

I need help too i paid $10 to get 1000 opt in leads per day for a month ! These are people who post to the FFA and clasifeds on the veretek system which is the largest and oldest lead genration system online ! Plus YOU can make a nice income with them !

That part i dont want but YOU might want thier E mail system at laest it prevents spam compliants !

INVITE5 is what it's all about rember the Video ?

INVITE 5 people and if they all do the same down through 7 levels in 30-90 days YOU will be making over $40,000 a month !

I'm done 7 levels filled with only 70 direct referrals and two large non profits !

SO by MAY 20th my large payout will be there $5 - $10,000 just in time for me to have a HAPPY birthday on MAY 22nd !

Mar 07, 2010
Way 2 go Bill !
by: Walter

I am a promotor PBC I5 in Belgium since october 15th we are now approaching 130 000 members worldwide.
One minor point : we only get to see 1 ad per day in Europe (training ad 0,003) so real hard to make some decent money untill now....
I have 50.000 + members 3th level BUT they still did not receive their tag / API so things are really a bit ''slow'' I really hope everything get's launched for good this time AND soon !
But the overall concept of our opportunity is huge and revolutionary ! Wishing you all happy trails and lots of succes !

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